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Awareness for SGBV Special Court Sessions Starts
Hw Hellen Ajio (CM Iganga), Mr Solomon Muyita (Senior Communications Officer) and Mr Ariwala Kizito (Resident State Attorney -Iganga) during the radio senstitization

The Justice Law and Order Sector (JLOS) commenced a radio sensitization campaign to create countrywide awareness for the planned Special Court Sessions targeting Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) cases over the course of five weeks.

The 13 special sessions to fast track the disposal of SGBV cases in the High Courts of MBALE, MASAKA, GULU, BUSHENYI, MUKONO,KAMPALA, SOROTI and MOROTO, as well as the Chief Magistrates Courts of NABWERU, LIRA, SIRONKO, KAPCHORWA and IGANGA, start on November 12, 2018.  At least 1,000 cases are targeted for disposal in the sessions closing December 15, 2018.

The campaign targeting audiences in the 13 selected districts across the country,starts today in Iganga and will proceed to northeastern Uganda, then to the north, central and lastly in the southwestern Uganda district of Bushenyi.

According to Mr Solomon Muyita, the Judiciary Senior Communications Officer, the Justice Sector stakeholders such as the judicial officers, resident state attorneys and representatives of Uganda Law Society in the targeted districts will take the lead in the awareness drive on radio.

Judiciary Public Relations Officer, HW Vincent Emmy Mugabo; Iganga Chief Magistrate, HW Hellen Ajio; Senior Resident State Attorney-Iganga, Mr. Ariwala Kizito; and Mr. Muyita,  appeared on a talk show on Eye Radio 94.6 FM for the sensitization.

The media campaigns will run hand-in-hand with the pre-session stakeholder meetings at the various courts.

At least 130 stakeholders in the SGBV Court Sessions were trained on November 2,2018 on the best practices to be used during the planned sessions.

The initiative, which is supported by the United Nations Population Fund, is part of Government of Uganda's commitment to implement the Maputo Protocol and Kampala Declaration of 2011.

Posted 7th, November 2018
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